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The adventure of my lifetime is finally here! I am spending a semester (3 1/2 months) studying in London, United Kingdom. Thanks for reading - I hope to keep my entries short, sweet, and interesting!!

Tuesday September 7th: Tube Workers on Strike!

Yep, that's right:  Transport for London (TFL) workers have gone on strike today, causing nearly every Tube line to close down!  We were sent away early from The Centre yesterday so we could all get home before it took effect last night, and it will last all day, so our official school activities were canceled.  But no matter, we've made the most of it!

As far as keeping busy today, the Tube closures don't really affect me and Erin.  We live right in the center of everybody else, just around the corner from the "downtown" Harrow area, and there is a lot to do in this quaint town.  We took full advantage of being able to sleep in (and finally beat jetlag!) and then met some of our new mates in downtown Harrow to sort out mobiles and explore a bit.  Our local line seems to be running today as well, so our friends are not confined strictly to the bus schedule ... hopefully we'll be able to spend some time together tonight as well!

Fun Fact of the Day:  Every household in the UK must pay an annual "license fee" in order to legally watch TV (doesn't matter how many TVs).  Whether the family watches The British Broadcasting Company or not, all money from this fee goes directly to funding The BBC - and therefore it can remain ad-free television, with no corporations influencing the news coverage!!

1 comment:

  1. And a quote for you from Robin Williams: "Australians are the rednecks of England!" love, dad
